
Vale lembrar que este blog não pretende de qualquer forma prejudicar bandas, artistas ou gravadoras, pelo contrário o objetivo é sempre divulgar e compartilhar diversão, cultura e educação.

Então se de alguma forma você se sentir prejudicado pelo blog, solicito que envie um email para (progrockcontramao@hotmail) que prontamente deleto o material escrito ou link. O mesmo vale para pedidos e sugestões.

Todos os álbuns aqui postados foram adquiridos de forma legal em vinil ou cd, em lojas especializadas, sebos ou com amigos e sugiro que após ouvir algo que goste procure comprar o original.

Divirtam-se e aproveitem o espaço que é nosso.
Márcia Tunes
Remember that this blog is not intended in any way injure bands, artists and record labels, rather the goal is to always disclose and share fun, culture and education.

So if somehow you feel harmed by blog, please send an email to (progrockcontramao @ hotmail) that promptly delete the written material or link. The same goes for requests and suggestions.

All albums posted here were purchased legally on vinyl or CD, in specialty stores, book stores or with friends and I suggest that after you hear something you like try to buy the original.

Have fun and enjoy the space that is ours.
Marcia Tunes

Para os Krautmaniacos

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Visit my new blog devoted entirely to Krautrock, enjoy, comment, share!

domingo, 5 de outubro de 2008

Frumpy - live (1972)

Mais banda Alemã, sensacional!!!

The four musicians who formed FRUMPY were all members of Irishman O' Brian-Docker's folkband The City Preachers, which he founded in Hamburg in 1965.

The City Preachers played an excellent blend of American and British folk music and had, sometimes, over a dozen people on stage. Discontent with singer Dagmar Krause, drummer Carsten Bohn left the City Preachers in November 1969 and took singer Inga Rumpf, French keyboarder Jean-Jacques Kravetz and guitarist Karl-Heinz Schott with him to form FRUMPY.

In spring of 1970, FRUMPY started a successful tour of France. The same year, they went on a 50 concert tour with SPOOKY TOOTH, and played with YES, HUMBLE PIE and RENAISSANCE. In autumn of 1970, FRUMPY released the first album "All Will Be Changed" which contained only own material with the exception of a Richie Havens cover. The Following year guitarist Rainer Baumann joined FRUMPY and played on the bands second LP "Frumpy 2", which was rapped in a round plastic bag.

In Germany, the album was well received and proved that rock music from Germany could live up to international standard. Their music combines jazz, soul and eastern elements with the keyboards as the most important instrument.

FRUMPY topped the Musik Express poll as the most popular German rock group of the year and the newspaper FAZ assisted singer Inga Rumpf to be "the country's biggest individual talent", but a tour of England with MOTT THE HOOPLE failed to attract popularity in Britain.

Musical differences with keyboarder Kravetz caused him to leave FRUMPY, in spring 1972, to record a solo Lp with Inga Rumpf singing one song. But he returned for the recording sessions of FRUMPY's third LP "By The Way". But FRUMPY disbanded after a farewell concert on June 26, 1972. Inga Rumpf, Jean-Jacques Kravetz and Karl-Heinz Schott formed ATLANTIS. The year 1990 saw a FRUMPY reunio and a new LP "Now!". (PA)

Breve todos os discos do Frumpy, Atlantis, I.D.Company e Inga Rumpf solo, aguardem...

Altamente recomendado!!

Live, released in 1973

Track Listings
1. Keep On Going (12:06)
2. Singing Songs (8:54)
3. Backwater Blues (4:56)
4. Duty (17:35)
5. To My Mother (11:34)
6. Release (22:00)
7. Take Care Of Illusion (8:54)
8. Duty (7:33)
9. Floating (12:14)

Total Time 106:18

Inga Rumpf / vocals, guitar
Jean-Jacques Kravetz / keyboards
Rainer Baumann / guitar
Karl-Heinz Schott / bass
Carsten Bohn / drums

Filename: Frumpy - 1972 - Frump Live (CD Bonus).part1.rar Size: 95.78 MB Parte 1

Filename: Frumpy - 1972 - Frump Live (CD Bonus).part2.rar Size: 49.24 MB Parte 2

3 comentários:

Roderick Verden disse...

Os dois discos ao vivo que mais gosto são esse do Frumpy e o "Solar Music", do Grobschnitt. Meu cd é simples e, se não me engano, falta uma música, que consta no vinil duplo.

Marcia Tunes disse...

Roderick, vc é um especialista em prog, tbm adoro o grobschnitt ao vivo, o meu cd tbm é simples vou olhar pra ver se falta uma musica, alias este seria um ótimo post para o futuro, hehehe! beijo

Anônimo disse...

I saw Frumpy life in Singen Hohentwiel (near Lake Of Constance, Germany)